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Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, Questions & Related Topics

Key Points

  • Mono, often referred to as the "kissing disease," is a contagious illness primarily caused by the Epstein-Barr virus and is most common among people aged 15 to 25.
  • The disease spreads through contact with saliva, mucus, and tears, and can be contracted through actions such as kissing, coughing, sneezing, sharing food or drinks, and certain medical procedures.
  • Symptoms of mono include fever, sore throat, swollen glands, fatigue, headache, and night sweats.
  • While preventing mono can be difficult, practicing good hygiene, avoiding sharing personal items, and limiting close contact can help reduce the risk.
  • Treatment for mono typically involves rest, hydration, and over-the-counter medicines for fever and pain, and while the Epstein-Barr virus remains in the body after infection, it usually doesn't cause further symptoms.

What is Mono?

If you’ve ever heard someone talking about the “kissing disease,” they were almost certainly referring to mono. A mono infection, also called infectious mononucleosis, is usually caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which is the most common type of herpes virus, according to the Mayo Clinic. They note that mono is most often seen in individuals between the ages of 15 and 25, although you can get it at any age. It’s very contagious and often spreads through contact with saliva, so while, yes, you can get it from kissing, you can also get it by sharing things like drinks, toothbrushes, and eating utensils. Mono can also be spread through contact with mucus from the nose and throat, according to the Mayo Clinic. While mono symptoms can be pretty telling, the only way to know for sure if you have mono is by getting a monospot test which is done in a clinical setting, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Common Causes of Mono

Mononucleosis, often referred to as "mono," is a contagious illness that typically spreads by close contact, kissing, or sharing drinks with someone who has the virus, according to the Mayo Clinic. Understanding these causes is important for both prevention and effective management of the symptoms associated with mononucleosis.

Common ways of contracting infectious mononucleosis, according to the Mayo Clinic, include:

  • Kissing: Although kissing isn’t always the cause of mono, people call it the kissing disease because it spreads through bodily fluids — specifically saliva. Because kissing is one of the easiest ways to spread mono, teenagers are particularly and famously susceptible to it.

  • Coughing and sneezing: If someone who has mono coughs or sneezes on you, you can catch it. Usually, a person doesn’t realize they have mono until several weeks after contracting the disease simply because the symptoms don’t start to occur until this point.

  • Sharing cups and utensils: If you share a drink or a bite of food with someone infected with mono, you’re likely to get it as well. This is another way saliva can pass from one person to another without kissing. Sharing a toothbrush is another surefire way to spread it.

  • Taking care of someone who has mono: Medical personnel are at a particularly high risk for getting mono — not because they are likely to share saliva with patients, but simply because they could encounter the virus.

  • Medical procedures: In some cases, mono spreads through a blood transfusion, a hematopoietic cell transplantation, or a solid organ transplant. Although this is not the cause for most cases of mono, it is possible, as the infectious disease can also be transmitted through the blood.

If you have any of these symptoms, getting a monospot test is an easy way for you to find out if you have infectious mononucleosis. A monospot test can be done at most urgent care clinics or primary care offices. Generally, a monospot test is done with a small blood sample, according to the NIH.

Possible Symptoms of Mono

Symptoms of mono usually start appearing around 1 to 2 months after exposure, according to This is because the virus that causes mono has a long incubation period. Additionally, not everyone will experience the same symptoms or severity of symptoms. Possible mono symptoms, according to the Mayo Clinic, include:

  1. Fever: A fever is one of the strongest symptoms of mono. Usually, it isn’t an incredibly high fever that would cause serious concern — a reason people often confuse mono with a cold or another kind of respiratory or sinus infection.

  2. Sore throat: A sore throat is another telltale sign of mono. Because the disease passes through saliva, it commonly leads to a sore throat. Additionally, the Mayo Clinic notes that mono symptoms often include swollen tonsils.

  3. Swollen glands: Swollen lymph glands in your armpits and neck are one of the first signs of mono; these are more specific to mono and not as likely to show up with a cold or flu virus. Your tonsils and your liver or spleen could also swell, causing discomfort and tenderness in these areas. If you press on these places in your body, they will likely seem fuller than usual.

  4. Fatigue: People who have mono become very tired. Their body and muscles ache and become weak, making it hard to complete everyday tasks. Because fatigue is also a sign of a cold or flu virus, it’s important to go to the doctor and find out whether you have mono, especially if you think it’s a possibility.

  5. Headache: Headaches are common with mono. The body is fatigued, and doing too much while having mono can quickly bring on a headache.

  6. Night Sweats: It’s common to sweat at night with a cold or the flu, especially if your fever breaks. However, sweating often and profusely at night could also be a sign of mono. It might also make sleeping difficult, worsening headaches and fatigue.

  7. Enlarged spleen: As mentioned before, a mono infection can affect your spleen, and cause it to swell. They can cause abdominal pain and discomfort.

How Do You Prevent Mono?

Mono spreads through saliva and close contact with an infected person, according to the Mayo Clinic. While there is no guaranteed way to prevent mono, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of getting infected, according to the CDC:

1. Practice Good Hygiene

It is almost impossible to prevent mono completely. Many people get it at some point in their lives, and even those who don’t experience symptoms can still become carriers of the disease. However, practicing good hygiene, like covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze and washing your hands, is a good way to minimize the spread of any infection or disease.

2. Don’t Share

The biggest way you can help prevent a mono infection is to not share food, personal items, or drinks with people you don’t know. Even someone you are friends with could have the infection and not know it or could have gone through it when they were younger. It’s a good rule of thumb not to share personal items or food with anyone to avoid catching any kind of transmittable illness.

3. Avoid Kissing

Teenagers and college students are more likely to get a mono infection because they often have not experienced the disease and kiss multiple people regularly. It’s a good idea to avoid this behavior when you are young to avoid mono (and other illnesses); however, anyone can get the disease — even adults.

Possible Mono Treatment Options

Typically, some time off from work or school, lots of fluids, and plenty of rest are all you need to get over mono after a few weeks, according to the Mayo Clinic. Although you will still need to take it easy for a while. Did you know that even after you get over mono, you will always carry the Epstein-Barr virus that caused it? But, don’t panic. Although the virus may become active from time to time, it will not cause any symptoms. More specific treatments, according to the Mayo Clinic, include:

1. Rest

Getting rest is the best treatment for mono. Because of its similarity to the flu or the common cold, it’s a good plan to take some time off work or school and get some rest. This is especially important to avoid infecting others. Usually, the acute symptoms last about two to four weeks, and resting during this time is crucial for improvement.

2. Drink Fluids

Another important treatment is to drink lots of fluids to help you stay hydrated; symptoms of dehydration could severely worsen your condition and make immediate medical care necessary.

3. Over-the-Counter Medicine

There is no vaccine for mono. Certain over-the-counter flu and cold medicines often don’t work on mono, but you can certainly take medicines for your fever and any pain from swollen lymph nodes that you might experience, according to the Mayo Clinic. These include things like acetaminophen and ibuprofen.

When Should You Call a Doctor?

Mono may clear up on its own within a week or two, according to the Mayo Clinic. They note that if your symptoms do not get better in that time, they recommend that you see a doctor. Additionally, the Mount Sinai Hospital recommends that you seek medical care if you have the following symptoms:

  • Severe abdominal pain, which could be a sign of an enlarged spleen or ruptured spleen

  • Difficulty breathing from severely swollen lymph nodes

  • A persistent high fever (more than 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit)

  • Severe headaches

  • Severe sore throat or severely swollen tonsils

  • Weakness in your arms or legs

  • Yellow color in your eyes or skin

Going to Urgent Care is a great option for non-emergent doctor visits like when you have symptoms of mono.

Mono May Also Be Known as

  • Infectious mononucleosis
  • Epstein-Barr
  • Epstein-Barr virus
  • EBV
  • Kissing disease

Frequently asked questions

  • What is Mono and what causes it?

    Infectious mononucleosis, also called mono, or the "kissing disease," is a contagious illness mainly caused by the Epstein-Barr virus and often causes viral symptoms and an enlarged spleen, according to the Mayo Clinic.

  • How does Mono spread?

    Infectious mononucleosis spreads through contact with saliva, mucus, and tears. It can be contracted through kissing, coughing, sneezing, sharing food or drinks, and certain medical procedures, according to the Mayo Clinic.

  • What are the symptoms of Mono?

    Symptoms of Mono include fever, sore throat, swollen glands (including swollen lymph nodes). swollen spleen, pain around the area of your spleen, fatigue, headache, and night sweats, according to the Mayo Clinic.

  • How can I prevent getting Mono?

    While it's challenging to completely prevent Mono, you can minimize the risk by practicing good hygiene, avoiding sharing personal items, and limiting close contact with others, according to the Mayo Clinic.

  • What is the typical treatment for Mono?

    Treatment for Mono generally involves rest, staying hydrated, and taking over-the-counter medicines for fever and pain, according to the Mayo Clinic.

  • Does the Epstein-Barr virus leave the body after Mono is treated?

    No, the Epstein-Barr virus remains in the body after infection, but it usually doesn't cause further symptoms, according to the Mayo Clinic.

  • Who is most at risk for contracting Mono?

    Individuals aged 15 to 25 are most at risk for contracting Mono, according to the CDC.

  • Can Mono be contracted through medical procedures?

    Yes, Mono can be contracted through certain medical procedures that involve contact with saliva, or mucus, according to the Mayo Clinic.


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